Thin Brick

Expand your design potential with thin brick–an iteration of brick that does what simply can’t be done with other standard brick masonry.

Amazing Product Diversity.

With thin brick, restrictions go out the window and walls go up. Designed to eliminate the limitations of other brick, thin brick stands as a compelling alternative for architects and homeowners.

The Hebron Advantage

A premium American-made thin brick line with colors and textures ideal for all applications. This is a palette suited to the most ambitious design intentions, compatible with precast or any other installation system.

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Popular Projects

Thin Brick may be exactly what you are looking for in a material for your next project. It’s lightweight, durable, and DYI-friendly. It can also be much more cost-effective than regular brick. Check out some of our most popular projects using thin brick. Contact us to learn more about if thin brick is right for you.

Thin Is In

Remember when brick was considered heavy and cumbersome? Not anymore. Today, thin is in. Thin brick allows you to achieve the rich aesthetics of real clay brick, with a number of easy installation methods for homeowners and contractors. Brick has changed. Have you? Here’s a whole house full of reasons to consider Hebron Brick for your next project.

Hue & You

Residential Application

It’s not so much where to use Hebron thin brick to create a fabulous look – as much as it is where can you not enjoy it? Try this: walk around your home and look at the walls in each room. Can you imagine how the addition of Hebron Thin Brick will transform any room or space? Now walk around the outside of your house. Same deal. To transform your home in a big way, think thin brick.

Commercial Application

What makes Hebron thin brick the ideal brick in commercial applications? For starters, consider what it takes away. It’s lightweight. It eliminates the need for shelf angles, steel lintels and foundation support – so your structural requirements are reduced. Thin Brick can be installed virtually anywhere you want the warm and rich look of genuine brick without the worry of having a structure to support the weight of typical full sized clay brick.

Now consider what it adds. Thin brick is thinner so you end up with more usable floor or green space. The lighter weight gives you more design freedom – including easily mixing with other façades – while still meeting the new energy codes for continuous insulation. You’ll also benefit form efficient, year-round installation and the ease to remove for future renovation. This is a brick you’re sure to love working with.